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Supporting evidence based decision-making

We take time at the start of any analysis to work with you the client to really understand your questions. We may go through a process of looking for sub-questions that are MICE (mutually independent and collectively exhaustive). This process helps guide our data gathering and thought processes. We will usually aim to develop an early hypothesis as quickly as possible which we will use to test our understanding and shape our subsequent investigation. In this way we make sure that our analysis is as efficient as possible.

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SIWI mapping and organizational analysis (2019)

OpenCities produced a report for the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) based on research and analysis of African regional and sub-regional organizations. SIWI were interested in understanding the potential of different organizations to acts as partners in influencing and implementing improved rainfed agriculture.


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by websitebuilder-hub 03 Jan, 2022
OpenCities produced a report for the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) based on research and analysis of African regional and sub-regional organizations.
by websitebuilder-hub 22 Nov, 2018
This analysis, for the World Bank, looked at its Latin American portfolio. The report aimed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of LCR's portfolio with respect to overall project outcomes, and used LCR's own ISR data as well as IEG project ratings. OpenCities also carried out interviews with staff in the region to help develop practical responses to any issues highlighted, and case studies to provide qualitative insights into the causes of good and poor project performance.
by websitebuilder-hub 22 Oct, 2018
The objective was to assess at what level of grant size activities funded by grants began to resemble standard projects funded by the client including goods and civil works as opposed simply to consultancy services.
by websitebuilder-hub 21 Jan, 2018
This work was requested in the context of an overall drive by the Mayor’s office to build on London’s status as a world status involving initiatives such as stronger links with Beijing, London’s predecessor as an Olympic city, and the attraction of tourists and investors to London.
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